Thursday 8 December 2011

Vocabulary Set 2 Social 9

Fair / Equitable - to be non-exclusive for everybody involved. Nobody has an upper hand against someone.

Example: The group project was to be fair and equitable for everyone.

Justice System - the institutions and procedures for applying laws in society

Example: The justice system takes care of criminals in society

Justice - applying laws.

Example: To apply justice is to enforce laws.

Legislation- laws created through the legsilative process.

Example: The legislation created a law against harrassment of another in a physical way.

Validity - rehability, based on a critical assessment of source, facts and bias.

Example: A judge and jury take validity into account when deciding on a punishment.

Community Service - help in the community performed as a part of a sentence, such as assistin g with a community clean-up or food bank.

Example: The judge sent the young criminal to do community service at the local day-care.

Criminal Record - a permanant record of breaking the law, which is public information. A criminial record can bar you from some jobs, volunteer positions and travel to other countries.

Example: The adult received a criminal record preventing him from obtaining a passport.

Sentence - a consequence for a crime, such as imprisonment, determined by a court of law.

Example: The judge set a sentence for the criminal.

Rehabilation - the act of instill positive behaviours and attitudes.

Example: The judge sent the young criminal to a rehabilation institute.

Reintergration - the act of making part of again.

Example: The rehabilation center reintergrated the criminal after years of being kept in.

Friday 14 October 2011

Current Event 10/9/11

Current Event 9/14/2011

Who, What: A gunman opened fire in a busy hair salon, killing eight people and critically injuring another.

When: This happened on Wednesday, October the 12.

Where: This occurred in Southern California.

Why: The cause of this incident is yet to be discovered.

How does this affect my life:  My mom goes to the salon a lot.

How does this affect Canada: This can make salon owners here uneasy about their security.

Tuesday 20 September 2011

Terminology Set 1 Social 9

Issue: a topic that connects to citizenship, identity and quality of life, and on which well-informed people have different views and perspective.
Example: The two co-workers had an issue involving who should get the vacation.
Perspective: values and idea shared by people with a common language, culture and history.
Example: the group decided on a solution to the issue.
Point of view: opinions and preferences of an individual based on personal experiences.
Example: the individual decided on the solution to the issue.
Quality of life: a measure of personal and collective well-being
Example: his quality of life improved once his computer was back online.

Governance: the process of governing
Example: the Prime Minister, Steven Harper, governs Canada.

Executive Branch: the part of government responsible for putting laws into action.
Example: the Executive Branch lanched the law againsted distracted driving.

Legislative: someone part of the government that makes laws.
Example: The Legislative created the law against distracted driving, but did not distibute it.
Constituent: someone who lives in a riding and is represented by an elected official from that riding.
Example: a constituent elects a Member of Parliament to look over them.

Minorities: groups in a societs who do not form the majority of the population.
Example: the minority still have a voice in debates and decisions.
Accountable: answerable to someone for your actions; observable, transparent.
Example: the student was being held accountable for the mess of the classroom.

Bias: an opinion based on unchallenged assumptions.
Example: the bias of the earth being at the center of our universe lasted for hundreds years.