Affirm - to maintain as true
Example - She affirmed to the judge that she was telling the truth
Example - She affirmed to the judge that she was telling the truth
Collective Identity - the identity of one in a group
Example: the collective identity of one and greatly affect how people look at him/her
Collective Rights - rights given to one in a group
Example: collective rights give citizens the ability to have a voice
First Nations - Aboriginal peoples living in Canada
Example: First Nations were the first to reside here in Canada
Annuity - the right to receive such an income
Example: there is an annuity for minimum wages
Official Language Minority - languages other than English or French
Example: Dutch, German, Japanese, and Blackfoot are such examples
Anglophone - someone born speaking English
Example: I am an Anglophone; I only and always have spoke English
Francophone - someone born speaking French
Example: My Aunt is a Francophone; she first spoke French, but later learned English as well
Assimilate - to drop current and to make part of
Example: I was assimilated to St. Francis last year in grade 8
Entrench (ed) - to place in position of strength
Example: I was entrenched in the ability to drive recently
Indian - a word used by the Europeans to describe Aboriginal peoples
Example: an aboriginal person can be in other words, "Indian", but they themselves do not want to be called that
Reserves - plots of land owned by those who signed a treaty
Example: there are Aboriginal reserves all of Canada
Autonomy - independence or freedom
Example: the Government of Alberta gave me the autonomy of driving with an adult
Land Claims - Land claims are a legal declaration of desired control of areas of property including bodies of water
Example: Countries can be described as land claims
Settlement - an agreement or adjustment
Example: The two boys argued and argued, and eventually came up with a settlement that suited both
Collective - of or characteristic of a group of individuals taken together
Example: a group or class project can be described as collective
Ethnocentrism - the belief in the inherent superiority of one's own ethnic group of culture
Example: The Europeans when the entered Canada had ethnocentrism over the First Nations
Official Language Community - to be of French and English
Example: Our country among others are official language communities
Publically Funded - to be supported through public funds
Example: a fundraiser can be described as to be publically funded
Scrip - a certificate representing a fraction of a share of stock
Example: the company handed the group a scrip of their share
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